2FA and MFA address the security risk posed by password only based logons by adding an extra level of protection.
The humble password – guardian of our most confidential information – in today’s world, is the greatest threat to our security. Many passwords can be cracked in a matter of minutes, while users are falling victim to phishing scams with alarming regularity, inadvertently giving away account and password details.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is important, in that it can solve this security problem, simply and effectively. The solution provides an extra, and crucial, security layer, in addition to the user account and password, sending a code to a device or portal that the user has exclusive access to. This straightforward supplementary step addresses the vulnerability of password-only log-ins. Without your personal device, cyber attackers are unable to access your accounts and business applications.
Two-factor authentication is important because it protects weak logins and stolen credentials from being exploited by cyber attackers and helps defend your business and employees against brute-force attacks and phishing attempts.
What is 2FA? Read more >Security measures such as 2FA and MFA are only effective if they’re easy to adopt. The minute they become a burden to your business’s productivity or processes, they’ll negate their ultimate purpose – to make life simpler for you and your users.
That’s why two-factor authentication solutions are evolving all the time – bidding to become easier to integrate, use and maintain. The simplicity of the solution being one of the core benefits of two factor authentication. Tokenless solutions can support any number of passcode delivery approaches, giving you versatility. For example, you can chose to use a smartphone to receive your code, without the need to carry a specific security device or hardware token. In addition, we offer a wide range of flexible authentication methods for two-factor authentication, which you can chose to suit the needs of your business. We make life easy for IT teams too, offering flexibility to deploy 2FA on-premise in the cloud, or both.
Tokenless 2FA – Authenticating without the need for a hardware token > Soft Tokens Explained >Our customers choose to work with us because our two-factor authentication solution gives them unparalleled flexibility and enterprise-standard security. Our market-leading 2FA solution – can be deployed to over 100,000 users per hour.
View SecurEnvoy MFA SolutionsThe benefits of two factor authentication are that it is robust and reliable, works with all devices types, from landlines to smartphone platforms, and supports iPads, laptops and desktop environments too. The feature-rich solution scales from 10–500,000+ users and is trusted by major organisations in over 45 countries across the world.
Learn about the wide range of SecurEnvoy 2FA and MFA methods >Two-factor authentication (2FA) or Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an effective and easy way to keep your users, customers and your business safe. The best 2FA or MFA solutions eliminate frustration and allow you to do what you do best – without compromise and without fretting about vulnerabilities.
What I love about SecurEnvoy MFA is how easy it is to administer, our global service desk manages the password administration which can also be accessed by the technical teams in each country and as all employees have a mobile phone there is no need for any additional hardware.
Strengthening Remote Desktop Security with an RDP multi-factor authentication solution
Ensuring secure access to remote desktops has become more critical than ever before. With the growing reliance on remote work setups, since the Corona...
Jordan Delany
Insider Threat Protection / MFA / Remote Working