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Data Discovery + Atlassian Jira

Protect sensitive data and IP stored in Atlassian Jira using automated data discovery and user data remediation from SecurEnvoy Data Discovery.

Rapid sensitive data discovery, real-time notifications and remediation in context.

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Atlassian Jira

Protecting sensitive data and IP in Atlassian Jira with SecurEnvoy Data Discovery

Discover Jira Software

In the dynamic environment of Jira, where teams are continually adding new tasks and tickets, securing sensitive data is a challenge.

With constant updates and collaboration, it’s hard to maintain control and visibility over expanding data, that may contain customer data, financial records, intellectual property or IT security details. Ensuring the right access controls are in place to protect sensitive data in Atlassian Jira without hindering collaboration is essential.

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Jira provides automated discovery and real-time alerting so that data users can remediate any sensitive data or confidential information issues immediately and your business can comply with data privacy regulations and respond to insider threats effectively.

Lightweight software for data protection across the Atlassian Suite


SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is a lightweight client/server solution, which can be deployed using your own software processes and integrates seamlessly with Atlassian Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket using Atlassian APIs.

Suitable for small companies to the largest enterprise, SecurEnvoy Data Discovery ensures the integrity of your data across the Atlassian Suite and wider business application environment, whether on the Server, Data Center or Cloud.

Find out more about SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for:
Atlassian Confluence >
Atlassian Bitbucket >

Lightweight software

Delivering data discovery, monitoring and user remediation for Jira

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Jira offers a robust and customisable approach to safeguarding sensitive information, enhancing data security within project management environments.


Discover and monitor data

  • SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Jira offers scheduled and real-time sensitive data discovery so you can monitor issues, edits and attachments for enhanced data protection.

Remediate data

  • Sensitive data alerts are sent to data owners or administrators in real-time for immediate action to be taken.

Extract data

  • Effortlessly extract data through a user-friendly dashboard and generate executive reports.

Migrate data

  • Locate and understand your data easily, ready to migrate to the cloud.

Lighten the load of monitoring sensitive data and remediating sensitive data issues with SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Jira.

Uncover sensitive data for protection in Atlassian Jira


SecurEnvoy Data Discovery integrated with Atlassian Jira tackles the challenge of uncovering sensitive data that may be residing within issues, tasks, projects, and their associated attachments.

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery allows you to:

  1. Select specific search areas within Jira or enable real-time detection policies, ensuring tailored and effective data security.
  2. Scan various file types, such as PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, spreadsheets, and images, for sensitive information, including customer data, financial records, IP, and IT security details.

Discover Jira Software

Fine-tune sensitive searches and scanning to protect sensitive data in Atlassian Jira


Pre-built and custom searches:
SecurEnvoy Data Discovery uses built-in algorithms, to identify unstructured sensitive data, enabling you to comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, SOX, CCPA, etc. with confidence.

Tailored searches:
SecurEnvoy Data Discovery allows you to match the sensitive and confidential information that is unique to your business operations.

Adjustable scan intensity:
Customisable settings are available so you can manage the scan load to prevent overwhelming data resources and ensure normal operations remain undisturbed.

Atlassian Jira

Streamline data remediation with SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Jira


Prompt alerting, streamlined remediation and permissions management processes:

  • Instant notifications and detailed audits are provided to data owners for immediate awareness and action to be taken.
  • Streamlined Permissions Management: Integrated access control enables efficient revoking and reinstatement of permissions before and after remediation, ensuring seamless workflow continuity.
  • Set a timeline for permissions remediation, to address issues before access restrictions are enforced.
Data discovery for Atlassian

Control data extraction and reporting with a centralised dashboard

Atlassian Confluence

Centralised Dashboard
A user-friendly dashboard in SecurEnvoy Data Discovery brings together data that is automatically extracted for reporting and analysis

Data Extraction
Unstructured data can be extracted to a central repository in a variety of formats, including HTML, CSV, XLSX

Feeds into other Datastreams
Data feeds can be built into other data streams (syslog, for example) and can also be exported to SIEM

Executive Reporting
Dynamically creates Executive Reports

Straightforward deployment and integrated authentication


Easy to deploy

Deploying SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Jira is straightforward, requiring just two IT resources – the Data Discovery Manager and Data Discovery Agent.

Data Discovery Manager

Data Discovery Manager
The Data Discovery Manager serves as the central interface for efficiently managing search tasks, devices, users, licenses, and other critical aspects within the SecurEnvoy Data Discovery ecosystem.

Data Discovery Agent

Data Discovery Agent
Data Discovery Agents support centralised or individual deployment across desktops, servers, file servers, and cloud environments. They facilitate data searches on various platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Microsoft Directory

Integrated Security

User Authentication: your existing active directory can be used for user authentication, reducing the need to create duplicate accounts.

Secure credential management: using Hashicorp Vault to secure credential management for enhanced database security during scans.

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Find out more about SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for:

Atlassian Confluence >
Atlassian Bitbucket >