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The SecurEnvoy Zero Trust Access Solution

Enterprise security solution: Verifiable trust and protection of identities, data and devices

A Zero Trust Access Solution that protects your users, devices and data


The SecurEnvoy Zero Trust Access Solution allows organisations to provide verifiable trust in every activity they perform. Our enterprise security solution delivers you a journey of identifying the user, device and location; discover exactly what data you have and where it is; classify that data effectively; control who has access to what data and what device; and then deliver your policy in control of data ensuring enhanced data protection. All with intelligent organisation control and monitoring with SecurEnvoy to support you on your journey.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Any user. Any device. Anywhere.

SecurEnvoy MFA is designed to scale as your business grows, integrating seamlessly with your existing authentication database infrastructure. Users can seamlessly move their identity between devices without leaving their footprint behind.

Easy for users, easy to implement, a cost effective and comprehensive solution for multi-factor authentication.

Read more about the SecurEnvoy MFA platform >

Data Discovery

Data Discovery (DD)

Data discovery across your digital estate.

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is a highly automated, easy to deploy and use solution for discovering confidential and sensitive information, on premise, in the cloud or hybrid. Simple and elegant to deploy and use. Easy data discovery and extraction for actionable insights.

Read more about the SecurEnvoy Data Discovery platform >

Access management

Access Management (AM)

Making the complex, simple.

SecurEnvoy Access Management allows organisations to provide employees with secure and straightforward access to the applications, data and resources they need to work productively. A simple, streamlined solution for today’s security and business challenges, with centralised management across multiple technology stacks.

Quick to deploy, simple administration and an intuitive user experience.

Read more about the SecurEnvoy Access Management platform >

A Zero Trust Access Solution to meet your business initiatives


Our Zero Trust Access Solution is designed to meet the business initiatives you are focused on. Learn how SecurEnvoy solutions offer you security and peace of mind.

Customer Quote

Many organisations established their infrastructure with implicit rather than explicit trust models to ease access and operations for workers and workloads. Attackers abuse this implicit trust in infrastructure to establish malware and then move laterally to achieve their objectives. Zero trust is a shift in thinking to address these threats by requiring continuously assessed, explicitly calculated and adaptive trust between users, devices, and resources.

John Watts, Gartner

Customer Quote

The SecurEnvoy Zero Trust Access Solution is designed to meet the increasingly complex and challenging security needs of today’s businesses. We designed it to simplify management and administration of the wide range of platforms, devices, users and data that IT managers have to deal with every day. Our solution is easy to deploy and straightforward to use, so you can concentrate on enhancing your security position, remain compliant and protect your business’ valuable assets, its people and information.

Phil Underwood, CIO, SecurEnvoy

Enterprise Security Solutions

Customer Feedback

Average Score 4.8/5.0
80% never required support

Responsive, high quality support

Only a few of our customers need to use support, but when they do they find SecurEnvoy experts can resolve any issues quickly and deliver the right level of support for the organisation. Utilise our experience across 1000’s of customer projects.

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Cyber Security Solutions

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