Compliance to data protection regulations is essential and costly if ignored.
SecurEnvoy solutions help your business remain compliant by allowing you to discover data that corresponds to a DSAR request.
Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs), also referred to as Subject Access Requests (SARs) are an important component of data protection regulations around the world, such as GDPR.
A Subject Access Request enables an individual (data subject) to ask for any personal data that an organisation might hold on them.SARs allow people to have more control over their data. Individuals are becoming more aware of SARs (alongside the “Right to be Forgotten”) and are increasingly receiving legal advice to use SARs in disputes with companies. In some cases, requests are also being used by ex-employees to gain more information about reasons for dismissal.Subject Access Requests are a key component of data regulations around the world:
Fulfilling a SAR can be a real challenge and time consuming for companies with huge amounts of data residing in multiple endpoints, file servers, cloud storage, and databases.
When a company receives a SAR, they are required to extract all the personal data held, but also need to prove that they have looked for data across the entire estate. SecurEnvoy Data Discovery can assist in this process by searching data stores across your estate quickly.Copies of the files and data found can then be made and forwarded on to the person requesting the data after suitable redaction is carried out with third party tools. If a right to be forgotten request is received, the data can then be moved to a file server and relevant files and information redacted using third party tools and the data can then be deleted.
How understanding your data will reduce your time to compliance (and avoid costly fines)
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) handles more than 300,000 calls and receives more than 30,000 complaints each year from the general publ...
Adam Bruce
Compliance / Data Discovery / Data Security Awareness