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MFA Challenges Solved

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is no longer a “nice to have”. With increased numbers of cyber attacks and phishing attempts, MFA is a requirement for regulatory compliance, plus more and more suppliers and insurers are demanding it.

Overcome MFA challenges to speed up your move to a zero-trust environment and protect your sensitive data. Adaptable MFA to meet a wide range of business needs.

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MFA challenges

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

“Authentication” is the term used for verifying who a user is when they logon. Typically, the user’s identity is verified with a username and password, but this has become problematic, with the rise in cybercrime and the use of weak passwords by users, meaning that this form of identification can no longer be relied upon.

Multi-factor authentication provides an additional level of security by requesting the user to provide at least two factors to gain access to IT systems. In addition to the first two factors (something you know and something you have) additional factors, such as biometrics or the location of the user can be added to provide an additional level of security.

Something you know

Factor 1

Something you know
Password, PIN, Security Question

Something you have

Factor 2

Something you have
Hardware Token, One-Time Authentication Code, SMS

Something you are

Factor 3

Something you are
Biometrics (Fingerprint, Retina, Voice, Face)

Somewhere you are

Factor 4

Somewhere you are
Location (e.g. Home, Office)

Why MFA is needed – Four Key Reasons


As the number of cyberattacks and phishing threats are rising, it is more important than ever to protect the sensitive information and intellectual property that your business holds.

Four key reasons your business needs MFA:

  1. Meet regulatory compliance requirements, such as GDPR to secure PII and PCI.
  2. Secure access to systems by remote workers, contractors, third-party suppliers and partners.
  3. Manage authentication if you are in a highly secure or regulated industry.
  4. Enhance customer (and partner) trust in your security processes and the protection of their data.


MFA challenges solved

Why you should implement MFA sooner, rather than later

Cybercrime is now so commonplace that, in addition to the reasons for implementing MFA listed above, additional requirements are now starting to be specified as a matter of course.

  • MFA: a requirement for Cyber Insurance – The seriousness of implementing MFA sooner, rather than later is highlighted by insurance companies now stipulating MFA as a prerequisite for cyber insurance cover.
  • MFA: a requirement from business software vendors – For example, Salesforce, are now insisting on MFA as a contractual requirement to protect the data that their customers hold in Salesforce.
  • MFA: a requirement within Healthcare – Organisations, such as the NHS are experiencing tens of millions of malicious attacks monthly, highlighting the importance of protecting sensitive data and are rolling out MFA policies as an additional layer of security.


MFA Challenges – What to consider when deploying MFA

You are ready to implement MFA, but it can come with a few challenges. There are key areas to consider to ensure that you deploy a solution that is suitable, cost-effective and future-proofed for your business:

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User Resistance – Users may feel that the additional steps needed for authentication are inconvenient and time-consuming. Look for a solution that gives you a range of authentication methods that are less time-consuming for users and meet the needs of your business.

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Technical Complexity / Integrations – does the MFA solution you are looking at cover all the business applications you are using, including legacy applications, and can be used on-premise as well as in the cloud?

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Time and Cost – evaluate the time and cost involved in rolling out MFA versus the longer-term benefits, such as reduced IT admin costs for password resets, etc. As of 2023, The average cost of a data breach worldwide reached US$ 4.45 million according to the latest report from IBM.

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Scalability / Flexibility to meet future requirements – Does the MFA solution meet future MFA challenges, which may accompany scenarios such as mergers and acquisitions, data privacy regulations in other countries, onboarding different locations, devices and users?

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Speed of deployment / Operational disruption – How quickly can you roll out MFA without disrupting business operations and employee productivity?


How organisations are overcoming MFA challenges



An insurance company rolled out secure sign-on for remote workers, distributors, suppliers and their partners. Their platforms supported a large number of different systems and they wanted an on-premise only solution, so that data was not saved to the cloud. They implemented MFA with a wide range of authentication options and chose SecurEnvoy based on price, technology, performance and high quality support from SecurEnvoy and our partners.

Read about UNIQA >


A large hospital in the Netherlands, with over 1000 employees, needed to ensure that patient information remained secure by providing secure access for remote workers. The hospital were looking for a cost-effective solution that integrated with their existing infrastructure. Microsoft MFA was proving too expensive and did not offer the range of integration options required.

Read the case study >

Global Gaming

MSI is located in 120 countries and handles vast amounts of data. It was important for them to secure their network and data across EMEA and they needed an on-premise MFA solution. SecurEnvoy MFA was easy to deploy and use and provided a seamless user experience.

Read about MSI >


With 13 locations and 900 employees Kropman construction required MFA to secure multiple systems including VPN, webmail and Windows Logon. It was important for Kropman to secure remote worker access to both on-premise and cloud applications.

Read about Kropman >

Best Practices in Implementing MFA

  • Review business requirements – network, infrastructure, on-premise requirements as well as cloud
  • Review different MFA solutions to ensure that they cover all integration needs, etc.
  • Identify the applications and assets that need protecting/priority.
  • Is the MFA future-proof to provide different types of MFA, applications, etc.
  • Build trust with employees about MFA – Range of options on authentication for different needs
  • For security, lockdown administration access to specific locations, networks or devices
  • Monitor the performance of the MFA solution

Best practices for implementing MFA

Why choose SecurEnvoy to meet your MFA challenges

  • A cost-effective solution, that is fast to deploy
  • A wide range of different authentication options
  • Integration across a large number of different applications
  • Easy to deploy on-premise and in the cloud
  • High quality support from SecurEnvoy and our partners


Both the SecurEnvoy MFA solution and the organisation itself are straightforward to work with; the experts at SecurEnvoy are easily approachable and eager to help.

Dennis Eijkelboom, ICT Director at Kropman.