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What are the pros and cons of using hardware tokens versus tokenless 2FA?

Tokenless 2FA has really taken off in recent years, but in situations where there are delays in receiving SMS or signal loss, does tokenless 2FA stack up against using hardware tokens? Are there more security issues when using software tokens versus hardware tokens? Which solution is the most cost-effective?

In this quick guide, we look at the pros and cons of using hardware tokens versus tokenless 2FA to see how they compare in different situations, and find that software tokens are a strong contender in all areas, from cost savings/TCO and security through to usability and offline authentication.

We compare:

  • The cost implications of replacing broken tokens/batteries versus software tokens
  • The vulnerability of seed files held by third parties, versus those unique to your own organisation
  • Additional security that can be added to hardware tokens and software tokens
  • Usability of tokens for end-users and enrolment by administrators and users
  • Offline authentication in difficult situations where phone signal connectivity is an issue
  • Total cost of ownership and future flexibility

Read the quick guide >

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