
The Ten Commandments for the best MFA performance

Multi-factor authentication is a hot topic right now: more and more businesses, of all sizes, and in all industries, are realising that the standard login protocols they’ve relied on for years just don’t cut it in the modern, digital workplace.

But with so many different options available, how do you make sure you select the solution that’s right for your business, your end users and your future needs?

Learn from the experts

As the inventors and patent holders of tokenless multi-factor authentication, we know a thing or two about what works now, what will still work in 5 years’ time, and what makes the difference between a solution your staff will accept or one they’ll do their best to work around.

We’ve taken that knowledge, supported by some solid industry research and distilled it that will give you all the information you need to make an informed choice about your multi-factor authentication solution.


Published: 3 July 2017

Category: Industry News

Multi-Factor Authentication



Any user. Any device.

For companies that take authentication seriously.

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