Two Factor Authentication taking place in a remote desert

Taking remote access to the extreme

Taking remote access to the extremes – how do you remote access and authenticate from Two Factor Authentication taking place in a remote desertsome of the most hostile places in the world? James Ketchell, explorer and innovator behind ‘pushing limits’, makes contact from the desert!

At 42°C on the hard hot sand, always 100 miles away from the next cellphone antennae; the everyday comforts we take for granted are challenging. It’s similar for remote workers or the road warriors that find access to the enterprise challenging, only its normally in less demanding surroundings!

James Ketchell, world explorer, chose SE as the authentication layer as part of his plan to allow access back to his mail, data and shared folders. In turn, after being overwhelmed b the challenhges ahjead, SecurEnvoy chose to support his expedition in 2013 to travel the globe by oar, pedal and fott to some of the most remote, desolate and demanding regions of the world. What better conditions then to challenge authentication from any where, on any device at any time?

When you are travelling through conditions like James is, with limited access to the internet, phone signal and power – the question we asked of James was “how will you connect when you are travelling in the remotest parts of the world”?

The answer came back, with mobile broadband, when available he will link back to the office via a remote access session and using SecurEnvoy’s patented tokenless two factor authentication to authenticate, a secure session will be created.


Keep following for updates and progress on James’ preparations for next years global exploration when we will be tracking his progress aswell as that of our technology working in the remotest of locations with the most extreme amount of challenges a remote user could expect!


Published: 14 September 2012

Category: Industry News

Multi-Factor Authentication



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