Suffering from ‘Stuffphobia’? – the solution is in your pocket

The amount of ‘stuff’ we carry around day to day continues to increase beyond just a wallet, keys and the iPad to include items such as authentication tokens which allow workers to log on to their corporate data when remote working. It is becoming progressively more challenging to keep track of all of the devices and ensure they are safe.

New technology from two-factor authentication specialists SecurEnvoy banishes the frustration brought on by simply having too much stuff filling bags and pockets, and therefore at risk of losing it, by turning the user’s mobile phone or smart device into a multi-functional authentication device, perfect for remote working.

Today users need a simple and effective method to work away from the office and this experience is essentially making security elegant and simple. The new One Swipe solution is exactly that, the capability to use a device that you carry around every day as the authenticator when logging on. By simply using the smart device, combined with the traditional user name and password, you ‘swipe’ it in front of the computer to log on; simple as that! Powerful two factor authentication at its easiest for anyone and everyone to use.

One Swipe also combats the security risk of having multiple tokens to authenticate while on the move. The information stored on a token represents the user’s identity and if it fell into the wrong hands could put the user or their business at major risk of a data breach. The more devices people have, the more likely they are to be lost or stolen, putting confidential data in danger.

Steve Watts, co-founder of SecurEnvoy explains the development of the product: “Many of us suffer from this idea of ‘Stuffphobia’, the irritation of having too many things to carry around for our working and personal lives, so much so your laptop bag is bursting at the seams. Mobile phones are already used for everything from sending emails to checking a bank balance, meaning they are the perfect devices in which to incorporate two factor authentication technology. There is the additional advantage that people have a strong attachment to their phone and therefore already have an incentive to keep it safe and always to hand.”

“This technology can banish the frustration that arises from realising you’ve lost your hardware token or grabbed the wrong one from the pile. One Swipe with one device allows users to securely gain access to their system and prevents remote workers from losing valuable time. ‘Stuffphobia’ is a real issue to many and one that the One Swipe solution will overcome. Not only does it reduce the cost of ownership compared with traditional hardware tokens by more than half, but it also reduces the stuff needed to be carried in a laptop bag by embracing the one device we truly care for, our mobile”, concludes Watts.

Visitors to Gitex in UAE, AusCert in Australia and Infosec in Holland, will be given the chance to try the technology for themselves and witness first-hand how One Swipe can banish ‘Stuffphobia’ for good.




Published: 17 October 2013

Category: Industry News

Multi-Factor Authentication



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