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Securing the user’s identity at a critical time!

With the growing outbreak of Coronavirus there is a rising need for remote working, now more than previously expected. Most businesses have been in the planning stages to work more remotely, in an effort towards creating a cleaner environment. However, the latest virus outbreak has sped up many of these plans in order to overcome the forthcoming Coronavirus pandemic.There is a growing requirement for most businesses facing these changing times, to understand the changing needs of their employees. Another example is the weather conditions changing globally, from droughts to flooding and from overheating to freezing. As a result, we have to adapt to the changing environment and find a new way to work alongside our colleagues and customers.In all markets, employees are having to make changes and adapt!In the financial markets in particular, one of our customers Lockton International, have been planning a method to provide a working environment in the case of an emergency. With over one thousand people already receiving remote access, they are also looking to provide licensing for the rest of the employee base that usually don’t require remote working capabilities.Crucial to this plan is to maintain security levels at a challenging time. A business can be highly vulnerable at the point of change and to react quickly with a security methodology is a plan that Lockton International have put into action.SecurEnvoy states “we are assisting our customers with their licensing plans and being as flexible as possible to enable them to best manage their employees during a challenging time. New clients as well as existing are being offered favourable terms for short periods of usage, in order to best accommodate the employees needs as well as keeping the business costs to a minimum”.Peter Singleton from Lockton International commented “reducing the pressure on our employees to have to come in when they aren’t feeling well or perhaps when a particular office in a region gets affected; we want to provide access to those that can work remotely and flexibly. SecurEnvoy has provided a cost efficient way to help us maintain our security levels and yet afford to increase remote usage”.For all clients of SecurEnvoy, new or renewing, a helping hand awaits you to help with your challenges. 

Watch the Lockton International case study here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELpBEElX7pY

Published: 4 March 2020

Category: Company News

Customer Experience / Financial / MFA / Remote Working

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