Working from home

SecurICE: One way to ensure Coronavirus does not interrupt your business

Coronavirus. It’s probably the first thing you hear about in the news on a daily basis now. With the number of cases rising across the world, countries globally are trying to contain the spread.

Many companies are also beginning to take precautions to further limit the spread. Numerous companies are now restricting non- essential travel and more and more of them are encouraging their employees to work from home.

Working from home is a great idea, it immediately reduces the likelihood of people spreading the virus and others catching it. However, while it does provide the convenience of working from the comfort of your home, it also causes a hindrance to the daily work life of employees. When working from home, employees don’t necessarily have access to all their company networks and systems. This is a result of a lack of secure access to these networks and systems and the fear of being susceptible to data loss and threats if hackers were able to get access to the systems.

When it comes to emergency situations, such as the current virus outbreak, companies need to be able to communicate when and how long employees need to work from home along with other vital information.

So how can you ensure that your business activities continue as smoothly as possible whilst also ensuring your employees limit their exposure to the virus?

The answer is SecurICE – a tokenless multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution that enables businesses to send out crisis and emergency information to employees. SecurICE also ensures your employees can securely authenticate to your systems and networks, by activating MFA. It is easy to use as employees receive the passcode directly to their mobile phones and there is no need for additional hardware tokens.

Even with the current situation, your business can continue to collaborate with your employees and run smoothly.

Read more about SecurICE:

Published: 4 March 2020

Category: Industry News

MFA / Remote Working

Multi-Factor Authentication



Any user. Any device.

For companies that take authentication seriously.

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