Data Classification

Santa’s Data Breach: data classification and write limit notifications

The 12 breaches of Christmas: 7 and 8

To: Santa@sclaus.comFrom: SSO@sclaus.comDate: 9/12/2021Subject: Security Alert from Santa Sec Ops (SSO) – Data Breach StoppedDear Santa,I know you’re very busy finalising all the toy lists for the nice boys and girls and giving out all the packing orders for the packing elves and your daily QA of the mince pies and cocoa, but I have to inform you that once again that naughty bad elf has been up to his old tricks again.As you know we use the built-in document classification tool that’s included with the SecurEnvoy SecureIdentity DLP solution to tag all of your sensitive documents and apply enforcement policy and as you would expect your naughty and nice list is classified as internal which means it’s not allowed to be shared outside of the Santa bunkerWe can see that he attempted to change the classification of the naughty nice list from internal to personal to circumvent the DLP controls however the reason he chose for the change in classification was not allowed and this was blocked as you can seedata classificationAfter this he decided to try and copy the list and your toy designs to a usb device but we have a policy in place to prevent stock piling of information on to external devices and this was stopped from happening as well, he really is a persistent little elf and I know you said he normally works hard but at the moment all he seems to be working hard at is trying to steal your data we will of course continue to monitor the classificationRegards,Head Cyber Security ElfDid you know that Rudolph the Reindeer never went to school?He was elf taught

Published: 9 December 2021

Category: Industry News

Data Discovery


Ben Norcutt, Pre-Sales Consultant

Cloud specialist with a focus on data protection, a maker and creator of cools things and his superpower is he can breathe underwater. OK, not quite but when Ben’s not talking all things cloud and data, he is exploring the underwater world as an avid scuba diver and loves to talk cyber or diving.

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