
Remote working is now the norm for users in Gemeente Amersfoort

In Amersfoort municipality Telecommuting is classified as a ‘ hot topic ‘. In the short term, all employees are able to access municipal information . Access to each type of device, anywhere and anytime’

The municipality of Amersfoort uses the technological capabilities now, but believes that they should be careful with information to protect the privacy of residents of the city.Telecommuting creates energy and inspiration:

The phenomenon of ‘ telecommuting ‘ is not entirely new to the approximately nine hundred employees of the municipality of Amersfoort . ” Working from home has long been possible ,” says Dirk Jan Beens , Corporate Information Manager ( CIO ) in the municipality of Amersfoort. “But the opportunities and success remained fairly limited, only one man in twenty used the home employment. We have never given much publicity to the possibility, telecommuting was only possible under certain circumstances and after consultation with the manager . ”

That attitude has since changed dramatically, as they embraced SecurEnvoys tokenless authentication and the capabilities that are offered by them for tokenless authentication. “The New Work is now seen as a way to make office work accessible anywhere and in other places that’s easier for employees. Because of this flexibility, employees get more energy and inspiration, and that is in the interests of both employer and employee . Also, research shows that you will be more efficient if you are flexible in how you can perform ‘Your work’.

Enough reasons to grant access to municipal information with any type device whatsoever. Staff time and location are independent of access “So it is now possible, for example with an iPad to access email and the My Sites and Team Sites in Microsoft SharePoint access using this new security capability – tokenless’.

Secure mobile access

My Sites and team sites for the municipality of Amersfoort are important tools to unlock the municipal information in a secure manner and so as to avoid staff being tempted, for example, for the exchange of confidential information such as Dropbox. “The reality of social networks and the cloud is with us now. It is how you integrate that reality with your own IT systems and ultimately makes it easy for the employees. Our strategy is to offer similar to Dropbox a secure facility and we do that with My Sites and Team Sites. Thus you prevent data locally on a device. ”

“From information security point of view teleworking is slightly less easy to manage than when you are in a closed IT environment. Data can be so confidential that you do not want any abuse made of it. Yet you also want this information mobile access . Then it is important that employees are aware of the risks and be extra vigilant . We have to feel responsible for the security of such data . At the time an employee has mobile access to this confidential information , which means that he or she is , for example, complying with the agreements on security, even if it is a private device being used”.

” We try to support the widest possible range of platforms and devices ,” explains Beens out . “Currently we support Windows , Apple Mac OS and iOS and Android and that I think now the most important platforms . But the market for both platforms and devices remains in constant motion , so there will always be a gap between what people contribute and what we can support . Of course we try when new developments are there to participate and to hold the gap as small as possible”

Dutch version:

Gemeente Amersfoort

Telewerken is door de gemeente Amersfoort als ‘hot topic’ aangemerkt. Op korte termijn moeten alle medewerkers in staat zijn om met elk type apparaat ‘anywhere en anytime’ toegang te krijgen tot de gemeentelijke informatievoorziening.

De gemeente Amersfoort gebruikt de technologische mogelijkheden van nu, maar vindt wel dat zij zorgvuldig met haar informatie om moet gaan. Om bijvoorbeeld de privacy van inwoners van de stad te beschermen.

Published: 8 October 2013

Category: Industry News

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