Providing users with a choice of authentication whilst still keeping secure their one identity

Unlike traditional solutions that provide two-factor authentication using one-time passwords, SecurEnvoy with a minimum of interference with the existing IT infrastructure and the solution deploys in a few clicks. Integration with Microsoft Active Directory, Novell eDirectory, Sun Directory Server and OpenLDAP simply provide secure access to all your employees in a few moments.

The new SecurEnvoy version 7, for global multi factor authentication, was not only designed for a mobile phone as the only tool for the implementation of authentication, but now can present the passcode via landline, smartphone, computer, use software tokens for tablets or laptops.

The great advantage of the solution is that the authentication using user something already own – mobile device. It is therefore necessary to further increase the cost of acquiring new hardware in the form of tokens and their life cycle. Likewise, each administrator will welcome the absence of time-consuming distribution of hardware tokens, which can take weeks and sometimes months to deploy.

In order to ensure the use of all available channels, the new Version 7 allows you to use multiple SMS gateways with intelligent routing, such as a specific domain or a preset number. Passwords can be received through mails and VOIP. Advanced configuration options are available for service providers in the form of SaaS. Support is provided for MAC and PC, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

The new version 7 is designed to offer users maximum flexibility and for this purpose, users can choose from a range of options to receive one-time passwords. They can simply use their existing mobile devices and as easy access to corporate networks. Users without Internet access or no mobile signal can use a landline, which is entered on one-time password using the number buttons on the phone.

SecurEnvoy are pushing the boundaries of tokenless authentication; embracing every user, whatever device they carry. Users can seamlessly use any device, anywhere, to authenticate; with no costly deployment and no delays in connectivity. The SecurEnvoy solution is simple and elegant, providing users with a choice of authentication whilst still keeping secure their one identity.

SecurEnvoy is setting the standard for authentication; empowering the users to ‘Authenticate Your Way’.

  • Tmp Static Code – definované statické heslo platné po definovanou dobu a po uplynutí doby se vrací zpět na One Time Code či Day Code (forma například pro řešení situací, kdy uživatel zapomněl telefon).
  • Day Code – heslo je použitelné po definovaný počet dnů, následně uživatel dostává nové, bez ohledu na to, zdali se autentizoval či nikoliv.
  • One Time Code – uživatel dostává vždy nové jednorázové heslo pro další použití (jak při úspěšné, tak neúspěšné autentizaci).
  • Pre-loaded – uživatel má vždy k dispozici heslo pro další použití (první heslo uživatel dostává po autorizaci do SecurEnvoy).
  • Jednorázová hesla na vyžádání – uživateli se po vyžádání objeví na displeji telefonu (flash SMS).
  • Jednorázová hesla zaslaná přes email – preload, real time, three codes a periodic
  • Voice Call – podpora jednorázových hesel zadaných přes pevnou linku.
  • Softwarové tokeny – pro smartphony a laptopy s Windows a MAC


Published: 5 August 2013

Category: Industry News

Multi-Factor Authentication



Any user. Any device.

For companies that take authentication seriously.

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