
One of the largest utilities in the Netherlands, took security to the cloud

Utility provider Vitens, one of the largest in the Netherlands, recently took on a cloud service from providers Motiv. Motiv, an Elite partner for SecurEnvoy plc has had a focus on the tokenless technology for more than five years and has embraced the evolution of tokenless as its evolved.

As an Elite partner and subsequently a value added cloud partner, Motiv offer a service in the cloud. Motiv offer the service in the Netherlands as a product set known to many as ‘Secure Cloud’ and have a growing base of renewing clients that are adding more and more to this cloud service.In Vitens, the largest water company in the Netherlands, has done just that, embraced the cloud. In the coming years growth will extend to more than 200 installations in the field of process automation, electrical and instrumentation renovated. To ensure that all industrial controllers are based on the same standard, Vitens has chosen to host their services through a managed cloud offering. Available 24/7 through a cloud environment, the functional automation standard allows users to access the industrial design environment required by the workforce at Vitens, anywhere and at any time .

Because Vitens is responsible for a ‘critical infrastructure’, the company presented the highest possible security to the cloud environment” a minimum of ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 had to meet “If it were broken on the cloud environment, the intrusion, after collecting the knowledge needed to control an installation, would open a risk that an organization with a commitment to deliver safe drinking water can not take”.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

This innovative development at Vitens has not gone unnoticed in the market . Bringing efficiency, availability and scalability the solution has been successfully deployed to the Vitens workforce and the industry has noticed the efficiencies it has brought to Viten.

Published: 11 November 2013

Category: Industry News

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