
Nature’s way of keeping us on our toes?

As the bush fires spread across Queensland and fears of Victoria in NSW also being hit, we see conversely in Europe the snow has hit and brings countries to a stand still!

In both Northern and Southern hemispheres emergencies arise and more often than not, unexpectedly.

This season we know the risk of disasters more than most other times of the year and yet it always hits us as a surprise and a period of stunned numbness hits a nation. Whether that’s getting emergency supplies to a disaster area, rebuilding broken infrastructure or getting food on the shelf; in every region we seem to get caught out!

In our industry we brought a product to market, SecurICE, (ICE relating to ‘in case of emergency’) to assist businesses and organizations to plan ahead – almost an insurance policy – ready for the ‘known unknown’ to strike. We know it will strike, we just don’t know when and by how much?

Don’t wait until the next occurrence comes along and catches you out again, make emergency access available for all workers and allow them to work from wherever its safe. Escape the flood, the bush fire or bad weather and work where its safest. It really isn’t expensive and does get the message to the recipients that they should stay away, they should be safe and work remotely.

We believe if you can send instructions, out of band (OOB) to a recipient with details of  why they should stay away from the office, how to access remotely and then add the two factor authentication code to this message; then remote access can work anytime. The end user simply clicks onto the link they are sent, provides their usual username and password and then to prove its them, use the 6 digit code that was provided in the message to gain secure remote access; quickly and easily.

For more information of the SecurEnvoy innovation SecurICE click here.


Published: 18 January 2013

Category: Industry News


Multi-Factor Authentication



Any user. Any device.

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