
Learning and listening from customer feedback; how our latest survey is helping us work in tune with our partners.

A recent customer survey provided us with very accurate and useful feedback from existing customers. Interestingly, when asked how satisfied they were with SecurEnvoy, an overwhelming 98% said they were happy with our technology but 3% said it was merely okay!

We should look at the 98% and appreciate the good work that partners provide in supporting and promoting our technology with such excellent feedback. We should be proud that we have developed an excellent technology that is stable and is giving the markets the expertise they require. The icing on the cake is that 98% of customers said they would be renewing their licenses with no less than 36% asking for quotations for additional products from our suite!

Reviewing the comments from the 2% not renewing and not providing more than an ‘okay’ for the product, revealed that they were either in restructure or downsizing their operations. The actual responses remained from each, that if they hadn’t had to downsize they would have renewed with our technology!

Feedback from the survey showed two thirds of our customers have not required any form of technical support for the duration they’ve had the product and the third that had gave us a score of 99% for stability and reliability. What other vendor can state this as a fact?

Of the third that had had some support requirement 96% were happy with the support the channel had provided them. This is a great testament to our reseller and partner channel. It also shows that the training provided has enabled them to support their customers. These are great results from customers which confirm our stable and reliable channel support.

The research also showed that our own marketing generated 51% of the customers, in turn these we passed on to the channel, with an additional 12% coming from our own electronic direct marketing campaigns.

With 63% of end users finding us through either our direct marketing efforts or advertising – including the shows we attend – we have put a greater budget aside for marketing this year to ensure that we continue to support our partners. We are expanding on this marketing effort and continue to support our channel partners; a great testament to two-tier distribution working at its best!

Published: 9 May 2011

Category: Industry News

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