
Getting ahead in the cloud


Cloud computing has become a hot buzzword in the last five years, with software vendors turning their attention to this new way of delivering their products and storing information. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has said that at least 75 percent of the company’s workforce is concentrating on cloud-based products and services, and has already launched online versions of its ubiquitous Office suite of programs. SecurEnvoy has been cloud-enabled since version 5 of SecurAccess, released in January 2009.

For the end user, cloud computing can take many forms: at its simplest, web-based email services such as Hotmail, Google Mail and Yahoo have been offering a type of cloud computing service for many years, as the job of displaying, organising and managing emails and contacts is taken away from the local computer and instead managed remotely through a webpage portal. At the more complex end of the scale there are services that provide complete administration and businesses services for large-scale enterprise use. The cloud has given rise to managed service providers (MSPs), companies who operate cloud-based systems management options, offering greater convenience and cost-savings for clients.

The advantages of cloud computing lie in its scalability and ease of maintenance: there is no need to make a change on every individual machine, a change can be made once and is immediately available to all users. The same goes for adding new users: the system can scale to however many users your company requires. The low, flat-rate charge for most managed services is a convenient way for companies to keep down costs, with the added bonus that any specialist hardware infrastructure is held off-site. Hosted services also mitigate the effects of fire or natural disaster, as the data is held remotely in the cloud.

We already know that SecurEnvoy’s products are low-maintenance and easy to setup compared to competitors’ products, but now we have started trialling a managed service option – essentially a cloud service but with the provider also carrying out the daily maintenance of the product. This approach frees up even more time for the client by placing the administrative and maintenance burden on a remote provider. This makes it a particularly attractive option for small to medium sized businesses that may not have the time to manage a remote access authentication system and don’t require the same level of control preferred by larger enterprise customers.

SecurEnvoy has been successfully extending its managed service programme into multiple countries, including the UK, Sweden, Norway and Holland. Managed services provisioning is the way forward, as it offers clear advantages for smaller companies, but also for larger enterprises that are looking to streamline their IT and tech services. IT support staff are better utilised carrying out the day-to-day work of helping company employees solve common tech issues, not dealing with remote authentication issues.

For more information about convenient, hassle-free managed services from SecurEnvoy, call 0845 260 0011 or email

Published: 12 November 2010

Category: Industry News

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