
Eight working time models – one single secure access method

The traditional 40-hour week or the ‘9 to 5 job’ are increasingly making way

for somewhat more flexible models. Employees switch to such options in particular if they have young children, care for sick relatives or want to commute less. Some start-ups have a model that involves the employees meeting at regular intervals but otherwise working primarily from a home office. However, in addition to flexibility, each model should ensure one thing above all – secure network access.

The following eight working time models are currently popular:

Job sharing: two people share a job and the working hours that go with it.

Home office: the employee works (remotely) from home or from somewhere else outside the office.

Part-time: the employee does not work full-time and may not even work on every day of the week.

Compressed working hours: the employee works full-time daily hours but does not work every day.

Flextime: within a certain framework, the employee can decide himself/herself when their working days start/end. It is common in this model to have certain core hours, such as 10am – 4pm, during which time the employee must be at work.

Annual working hours: an annual number of hours that must be worked is defined. The employee is free to choose when those hours are worked. Core hours are also sometimes used with this model.

Staggered working hours: the employee has individual start times, end times and break times at work.

Age-based part-time: this is intended for older employees approaching their retirement. The employee decides whether or not to work part-time (in general or on specific days).

Regardless of where the employee is physically located during his/her working hours, secure network access is a necessity. Some companies use a VPN tunnel, for example, with at least one authentication step involving personal login details. This approach can be strengthened further in terms of security by using tokenless two-factor authentication. This requires the entry of a passcode by the user in addition to the individual login details. The user receives this numeric sequence on his/her mobile device via SMS, e-mail, soft token app or voice call, without the need for a dedicated token. Identification is also possible via a QR code, using the patent-pending one swipe method. This involves the user generating, in a soft token app, a QR code in which the login information is embedded. The user then photographs this code using a webcam on a laptop to enable secure, quick and easy authentication.

Published: 6 May 2014

Category: Industry News

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