
Analysts Gartner reviewed vendors in the two factor authentication market and acknowledged SecurEnvoy as ‘one to watch’

Smartphones and tablets are changing the landscape for how authentication is best performed in the enterprise. The phone-as-a-token authentication method is well-established as an alternative to legacy one-time password (OTP) hardware tokens for consumer-facing Web applications and corporate remote access.

Although some enterprises elect to implement multifactor authentication based on their own risk analysis, others implement it because a regulatory standard or compliance objective has mandated multifactor authentication.

Mobile devices have become, for some people, an inseparable appendage in their lives. For others, it’s a common personal and business tool that travels most places easily. The wide acceptability and abundance of mobile devices are key reasons for their consideration as an authentication token.

A key factor driving adoption of phone-as-a-token methods among business buyers is the measurable cost savings they can offer, which reduces the cost of tokens, distribution, provisioning and maintenance.

SecurEnvoy focuses its efforts on OOB methods of authentication, using both SMS and smartphone-based applications to enable the phone as a token for a wide variety of mobile devices.

This low-touch approach to authentication allows for rapid onboarding of new devices and user self-management of replacement devices.

References: *Gartner, Inc., Market Trends: The Impact of Mobile Computing on User Authentication, Eric Ahlm, Ant Allan, August 29, 2012.

Published: 14 January 2013

Category: Industry News

Multi-Factor Authentication



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