Try SecurEnvoy

Zero Footprint

As there is no software to deploy to the user, SMS allows a rapid deployment to your user base. Our solution can be deployed at scale with over 100k users per hour. SecurICE users can be automatically deployed via the LDAP group membership.

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Real Time alerting

Unlike phone and voice communications, SMS receives priority in cases of emergencies. Real time alerts are sent to all employees or emergency staff, providing instructions or details about the emergency. Further instructions are included along with a One Time Passcode (OTP). The user simply follows the instructions and can then continue working, making it a seamless workplace transition experience.

Learn more about SecureIdentity MFA

Affordable Authentication

As SecurICE uses SMS as the method of alerting users, there is no hardware to purchase or deploy, making it affordable for businesses. It is simply a case of turning it ‘on’ or ‘off’.

Learn more about SecureIdentity MFA

Get In Touch

Get in touch with our sales team to book a demo, request a 30-day trial, or just to chat about how we can help you.