Try SecurEnvoy


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Ventistal is a Norwegian wholesaler that provides solutions of ventilation, heating and cooling. The company has 19 departments across Norway and most of its sales teams work on terminal servers. With their growing need for quick and easy external access, Ventistal was keen to increase its security levels.

Ventistal was looking to switch to two factor authentication as it previously used endpoint VPN solutions which caused problems with client upgrades and conflicting software, amongst others. When conducting research, the IT manager at Ventistal also considered using online solutions and cloud solutions which he states was “less reliable and less safe for us to control all our solutions inside our own environment.” Additionally, having previously used hardware tokens, he explained these were less reliable as they could easily be lost and also created extra administration work when setting up new users.

Enter SecurEnvoy.

SecurEnvoy was recommended by Ventistal’s trusted cyber security partner. SecurEnvoy’s SecureIdentity MFA was integrated into Ventistal’s terminal servers in order to securely connect its remote desktop users. Using the SecurEnvoy app, Ventistal employees receive the one-time passcode directly to their mobile phone, without the requirement for an additional hardware device.

SecureIdentity MFA was also chosen as it is user friendly, price competitive and easy to administer and maintain. “I think it is easy to administrate and easy to set up new users and reliable”, the IT manager explains. Additionally, it reduces the workload for the IT department which further benefits Ventistal.

The SecureIdentity MFA solution adds an additional security layer to Ventistal’s terminal servers. “I would say we feel it is reliable and provides us with the safety that we are looking for. We feel comfortable with this type of two factor authentication”, concludes the IT manager at Ventistal.

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