Try SecurEnvoy

ProOffice Gruppen

Based in Denmark, ProOffice Gruppen includes a group of companies that specialise in E-learning and web development solutions across various industries.ProOffice Gruppen (ProOffice) was required to fulfill certain security standards such as incorporating multi-factor authentication (MFA) into its server environment. Securing this server environment was highly important to ProOffice.SecurEnvoy’s MFA solution was chosen by ProOffice for its server environment, in order to securely connect and work with that environment. ProOffice were keen to continue using its existing VPN solution, and therefore needed a flexible MFA solution that could integrate with its VPN solution. Upon conducting research, ProOffice found that SecureIdentity MFA integrated seamlessly with its current VPN solution.The features provided by the SecureIdentity MFA solution best suited ProOffice’s needs. The Head of IT at ProOffice, says “we came to the conclusion that the features SecurEnvoy were offering fit very well with what we needed, it was easy to maintain and compatible with our current VPN solution”. The SecurEnvoy solution also directly integrates with Active Directory and its ease of use, compatibility and price friendliness all benefitted ProOffice.“Of course it has helped with bringing more security with the two-factor authentication, instead of having only the password and username before, when connecting to the VPN. So that is a huge benefit as well”, the Head of IT concludes.

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