Try SecurEnvoy

Market Harborough Buiding Society

Market Harborough Building Society required a solution to provide people within the business the ability to send secure encrypted emails. The solution had to be very secure and easy to use for both senders and recipients. SecurMail from SecurEnvoy allows users to send an encrypted email to any email recipient with any email client with no prior enrolment.SecurMail uses https to encrypt the delivery of the email and its patented technique of automatically sending a 6-digit passcode to the recipient’s mobile phone provides two factor authentication and absolute proof of delivery of the email. Market Harborough Building Society were previously running an RSA SecurID token based two factor authentication system for its remote users.
Our requirement was for a secure email solution, but when we found out that the SecurEnvoy Security Server that ran the SecurMail solution could also provide a tokenless two factor authentication via the SecurAccess product, we felt it was the smart choice.Not only could SecurEnvoy provide us with an eloquent and easy to use encrypted email solution, they could also provide us with a tokenless two factor authentication solution to remove the need for our legacy RSA SecurID solution. Deploying SecurEnvoy SecurAccess removed the need for our remote users to carry a plastic token, the direct integration with Active Directory also allowed them to use their Windows Password as the PIN providing an enhanced logon experience for our users too. The combination of having no physical tokens to deploy and manage, no separate PIN’s to reset and the direct AD integration meant it was significantly easier to maintain and the time to deploy new users was greatly reduced.– Neil Williams, Head of IT, Market Harborough Building Society
With the release of SecurEnvoy SecurAccess 4.2 and its option to use Microsoft ADAM as the LDAP database, SecurAccess is now perfectly positioned to offer two factor authentication to organisations wishing to provide strong authentication for its business to consumer environments, with Banks and Building Societies showing the early interest.
We liked how the SecurMail system worked and decided that the method of sending passcodes to a mobile was better than the key fob solution that we used through SecurID. Also it was better to have one solution for sending passcodes than having different ones depending on whether it is a secure email or remote access. Third benefit was that I no longer have the hassle of having to replace key fobs every 3 to 5 years.– Neil Williams, Head of IT, Market Harborough Building Society

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