Local PC Discovery

Santa’s Data Breach: Local PC Discovery with Realtime control and device control

The 12 breaches of Christmas: 1 and 2

To: Santa@sclaus.comFrom: SSO@sclaus.comDate: 1/11/2021Subject: Security Alert from Santa Sec Ops (SSO) – Data Breach StoppedDear Santa,Here is the report for the recent attempted data breach by Barry Ade Elf codename BAD ElfYou’ll be pleased to know that the DLP solution you invested in stopped him in his tracks trying to steal the naughty/nice list and your toy designs.Our DLP solution monitors all users access to your central Santa Server prevents the sensitive data from being moved from our central share to their own device to ensure we have control of it, to achieve this we run daily scans off all our elves laptops and use the real time monitoring to ensure that if a sensitive file is copied outside of a scheduled scan, it will still be deleted.We can see using the file share auditing feature when he copied the file from the Santa Share to his elftop and then a few moments later before he even got chance to open the file we can see that the real time control deleted the file from his elftopLocal PC DiscoveryLocal PC DiscoveryHowever, we can also see that this didn’t deter him in his quest to steal your data as later he tried to copy the naughty and nice list to a usb device but once again your SecurEnvoy SecureIdentity DLP stopped the naughty little elf from causing more mischief as you can see here the copy of the file to an external drive from the network share was logged and blocked and he was notified that this was not allowed.Local PC DiscoveryWe will continue to investigate any further breaches in the north pole Santa Sec Op’s NOC.Regards,Head Cyber Security ElfWhat happens to elves when they behave naughty?Santa gives them the sack. Ho Ho Ho

Published: 30 November 2021

Category: Industry News

Data Discovery


Ben Norcutt, Pre-Sales Consultant

Cloud specialist with a focus on data protection, a maker and creator of cools things and his superpower is he can breathe underwater. OK, not quite but when Ben’s not talking all things cloud and data, he is exploring the underwater world as an avid scuba diver and loves to talk cyber or diving.

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