
Meet the team – Sebastiaan Schlicher, Inside Sales Engineer, Europe

In this week’s “meet the team”, we get to know Sebastiaan Schlicher, one of our newer additions to the team in Europe.

Sebastiaan works alongside Fabian Guter in developing the business in the DACH and Benelux regions.

SecurEnvoy: ​​​Sebastiaan, You’re a relative newcomer to the team, but we know you have a busy social life. Tell us a bit about it.

SS: There‘s little in life as important as friends. Every weekend, I get together with mine to  discuss the week and enjoy our freedom. Music plays a major role in this. In the summer we visit many festivals, often returning home in a sorry state, having spent a few nights together in a small smelly tent!   When I’m not indulging in music, my other big passion is football. I’m a big fan of Feyenoord Rotterdam and spend many a weekend cheering them on from the terraces, home and away.

SecurEnvoy: Sounds exhausting!  Tell us a bit more about what you do when you just want to unwind with some “you time”.

SS: As I mentioned, I love music. I mean really love it. I can spend hours discovering new music and I can lose myself completely. Not just the music itself, but also the artists, their backgrounds and their influences. It’s really all encompassing.

On the rare occasions  that the Dutch weather allows it, I also like to just go for a cruise in my 1994 Ford Escort Cabrio. Given the scarcity of sunny days here, the Dutch know it’s important to enjoy them when they do arrive, and in this respect at least I am a true Dutchman!

SecurEnvoy: I’m sure a few of your british colleagues can identify with that. And when you get home from work and kick off your shoes, what helps you switch off?

SS: There are two series that I can watch non-stop: Californication and Modern Family. They’re both full of eccentric characters, sharp humor and plays on words and they just help me switch off nicely. To achieve your potential every day, it is important to relax your mind in the evening.

SecurEnvoy: We couldnt agree more. And as you brought it up… what is it about SecurEnvoy that made you want to join us, and what makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

SS: Well, what really attracted me to SecurEnvoy was the freedom to use my experience and talents to help the company grow, but in my own way. My background in marketing and communication, as well as my experience in bringing in new business, really comes in handy and I can see the impact I’m having on the business directly.

As I’m still something of a young pup in the world of IT, I had a good feeling as soon as I met the rest of the guys at SecurEnvoy. I received a warm welcome and the team quickly absorbed me into the “SecurEnvoy family”. The company has great plans for the future and I look forward to growing with it.

Published: 22 March 2018

Category: Company News

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