
Meet the Team – Fabian Guter (Regional Sales Director Europe)

In this month’s “Meet the Team”, we meet Fabian Guter, Director of our growing Europe business, SecurEnvoy GmbH, Based in Munich, Germany.

SecurEnvoy: Fabian, we, and many of our partners will know that you’re a real “team player” in the office – how does that translate to life outside of work? 

FG: My friends and I mix a lot of sport and social activities together – we call it “beergardening”  What that means is, while we set ourselves regular sporting challenges – such as climbing mountains, or cycling 100 miles in a day, we try to plan each challenge to end at a pub or brewery!  I’ve just come back from our first challenge of 2018 which saw us trek across the “5-lakes” region that sits between Munich and the Alps that ended at the Andechs monastery – a famous site of pilgrimage which just happens to have an equally famous brewery! (I recommend Andech’s winter beer for it’s restorative properties after a long walk!)

SecurEnvoy: Sounds great. And on a more individual level, what do you like to do when you have some “you time”?

FG: Well, as an IT engineer raised by an electronics engineer, I love fiddling with anything technical – home automation, electronic gadgets – all those things with a low wife-acceptance factor! Linked to the sporting activities I’ve already mentioned, I love my sports gadgets – GPS devices, training computers etc.  I use them a lot when cycling so I can track myself – and find the excuses I need when I’m not performing as I should!

I also love my overpowered car (I am German after all…) but I’d happily swap it for a VW California Camper Van – if they didn’t cost more than a sports car!

SecurEnvoy: Sounds like you’re everything we’d expect from a German!  And when you come home from work and just want to unwind in the evening, what are your go-to TV programmes and books?

FG: Well, following the tech theme,  of course I like my SciFi. Currently I’m enjoying Star Trek Discovery and Mr. Robot.  As for books, I prefer thrillers. My favourites from recent years are the Millenium trilogy by Stig Larsson and the books by Daniel Suarez.

Having two teenage sons, I have to watch more Marvel than I want and more YouTube channels about video games than I should!

SecurEnvoy: Sounds good (except for the Marvel videos – we feel your pain there). Finally, if we can drag things back to work for just a minute, tell  us what you think the future holds for SecurEnvoy – what drives you to get up and come to the office ever day?

FG: I joined because I wanted to develop the European market for what I really believe is a compelling IT Security product.  I’ve worked in a number of different IT roles in the past and being able to use all of my past experience both in technical and sales and marketing to grow the business has been a real pleasure.

As the business has grown, I’ve evolved from the “lonesome cowboy” – to heading up a subsidiary company. It’s a challenge, but it’s also an honour and it gives me real pleasure to see SecurEnvoy grow as a business. That really pushes me forwards, as does knowing I have a really good team around me – locally and globally –  who are all working to the same goals. It’s one of the best professional experiences I could imagine. 

Published: 28 February 2018

Category: Company News

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