
Meet the team – David Conway, Inside Sales, Europe

In this latest “Meet the team” post, we meet David Conway, a Californian now living in Germany and a key part of our European sales team.

SecurEnvoy: ​​​David, Anyone who’s met you knows you have a lot of energy. Tell us how you expend it outside of the office

DC: I’m an active Master’s swimmer, taking part in regional, national and international competitions. We were in London in 2016 for the European Championships and enjoyed not just the great facilities at the new Olympic Park, but London in general and the obligatory pint or two at the Dial Arch in Woolwich Arsenal where we were staying.

As if that’s not enough, I’m also the sports director of the team, volunteering my time to help organize swim meets, meeting with politicians and leaders from other local clubs and in general just making sure we’re doing all we can to keep all 800 members happy. 

SecurEnvoy: Sounds like you have a busy schedule!  When you’re not competing in – or organising – competitions, what do you do for down time?

DC: I enjoy the many things that living in Bavaria has to offer, like hiking, biking and of course, beer gardens. My favorite post-work mountain bike ride doesn’t just feature rolling hills and views of the Alps, there’s a nice, family run inn on the way back with an inviting beer garden in which to enjoy a beer or two before riding the last mile or so home.  

But it’s not always sports: Our apartment has a garden which requires a few hours each week to keep it looking good. I’m in charge of the lawn and hole digging while my girlfriend takes care of her many rose bushes.

European cities and architecture are quite different from my home of California, so for me just exploring towns and villages is fascinating. And every September I travel to Paris to catch a Jimmy Buffett concert.

SecurEnvoy: You’re obviously very much an “outdoorsy” guy. But tell us what keeps you entertained when you’re not out and about.

DC: When the weather doesn’t permit being outside, I have a Netflix account where I can catch up on English language films or sit-coms. I binge on shows like “How I Met Your Mother”, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee”, “Top Gear” or “The Big Bang Theory” in English, as opposed to local TV here, where everything is dubbed. I also like to read novels, surf the internet, check out Google Earth or study maps. 

SecurEnvoy: Returning to the day job for just a minute, what made you want to join the team here, and what excites you about your role?

Fabian and I had a really good conversation the first time we met, and I saw right away that he was someone I could work with and relate to. The idea of working at such a new business was also intriguing: Although SecurEnvoy has been established for many years, The German office was little more than a startup when I joined. In fact, when I arrived, I was a bit surprised that we really were starting from scratch.  We didn’t even have pens, paper, a stapler or scissors… it was practically just a desk, a chair and a computer! Since that time of course, we’ve come a long way. Our offices look like real offices, the team’s growing, we’re developing the brand and I really look forward to coming into the office each day.

Published: 3 April 2018

Category: Company News

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