Try SecurEnvoy

Data Discovery + Atlassian Confluence

Perform data discovery quickly in Atlassian Confluence on-premise and cloud installations using SecurEnvoy Data Discovery.

Simple and swift data discovery. Real-time notifications to sensitive data owners for remediation.

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Unparalleled data discovery for Atlassian Confluence

Atlassian Confluence

Do you know what sensitive data is stored in your Atlassian Confluence?

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery allows you to perform data discovery within your Atlassian Confluence environment regardless of whether it’s on the Server, Data Center or Cloud.

Built-in algorithms accurately identify unstructured sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Payment Card Information (PCI), Intellectual Property (IP), HIPAA, and GDPR-related information. SecurEnvoy Data Discovery also gives you the flexibility to include your own custom search terms.

Watch SecurEnvoy Data Discovery in action >

Comprehensive sensitive data discovery, monitoring, user remediation

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Confluence is a comprehensive solution, that helps lighten the load of monitoring and managing sensitive data and remediating issues.


Data Discovery and Monitoring

  • Tracks new and edited content. Configurable up to and including all spaces, all pages, all blogs, all attachments, all comments, and all versions.

Data Extraction

  • User-friendly dashboard and executive reporting.

Data Migration

  • Locate your data easily, ready for migrating to the cloud.

Data Protection

  • Restrict content and security levels

Data User Remediation

  • Data users are notified of sensitive data issues in real-time for immediate action to be taken.

Take control of data remediation in Atlassian Confluence

Data users are notified of sensitive data in real-time ready for immediate action to be taken.

  • Real-Time Alerts & Audit Trails: Instant notifications and detailed audits are provided to data owners for immediate awareness and action.
  • Automated User Remediation: Prompt alerting mechanisms are coupled with streamlined remediation processes.
  • Streamlined Permission Management: Integrated access control allows for efficient revoking and reinstatement of permissions before and after remediation, ensuring seamless workflow continuity.
  • Deferred Actions: Set a timeline for permissions remediation, giving users an opportunity to address issues before access restrictions are enforced.
  • Adjustable scan intensity: Customisable settings are available so you can manage the scan load to prevent overwhelming data resources and ensure normal operations remain undisturbed.
Data discovery for Atlassian

Find out more about SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for:

Atlassian Jira >
Atlassian Bitbucket >

Real-time data scanning you can fine-tune


With real-time alerts, selective scanning and intensity, administrators are able to take full control of sensitive data scanning within Atlassian Confluence.

  • Immediate data monitoring: Real-time scanning ensures immediate detection and alerts for sensitive data additions.
  • Selective scanning: Administrators can target specific Spaces, Pages, Blogs, and Attachments, with granular controls over the scan depth and historical data coverage.
  • Targeted scan depth: Scans can be focused on specific areas or dates to meet administrative needs.
  • Flexible scan management: Pause or resume scans to fit around planned and unplanned Atlassian maintenance activities.

Integrated reporting

With SecurEnvoy Data Discovery, you can easily review and collate data for analysis via a user-friendly dashboard:
  • Automated data extraction is used for reporting and analysis.
  • Unstructured data can be searched and extracted to a central repository.
  • Data can be extracted in a variety of formats (HTML, CSV, XLSX).
  • Dynamically create Executive Reports to analyse discovered, resolved and outstanding data issues.
  • Exporting the data to a central location is included (SIEM).
  • Streamlined Workflow Integration – Feeds into other data streams (like syslog) and provides a centralised dashboard for ongoing visibility and control over audit processes.
Atlassian Confluence

Full integration for database security and alerting

  • Integration with your authentication source – Integrates with your existing active directory for user authentication, reducing the need to create duplicate accounts.
  • Vault Integration: Integration with Hashicorp Vault enables secure credential management for enhanced database security during scans.
Microsoft Directory

An international bank reduced data management resource costs by 93% using SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian.

Read the case study >

Lightweight software – scaling to the largest data challenges

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is a lightweight client/server software solution that can also scale to meet the largest data challenges. It is deployable using your own software processes, integrating seamlessly with Atlassian Confluence and using Atlassian’s own APIs, to ensure that the integrity of your data is not put at risk.

Download the SecurEnvoy Data Discovery Brochure >
Lightweight software

Straightforward deployment, reducing TCO

Deploying SecurEnvoy Data Discovery in Atlassian Confluence is straightforward and simple, requiring just two IT resources at a minimum:

Endpoint Manager

Data Discovery Manager

The Data Discovery Manager serves as the central interface for efficiently managing search tasks, devices, users, licenses, and other critical aspects within the SecurEnvoy Data Discovery ecosystem.
Endpoint Agent

Data Discovery Agent

Data Discovery Agents support centralised or individual deployment across desktops, servers, file servers, and cloud environments. They facilitate data searches on various platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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