Try SecurEnvoy

Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire Council

Local authority removes remote access and reduces costs with SecurEnvoy

Hertfordshire County Council had been utilising a hardware token-based authentication process for some time; but felt the administrative and financial overhead associated with it didn’t represent the best value solution.Dave Mansfield, Technical Infrastructure Manager for the Council explains: “We were keen to reduce costs and administration time whilst maintaining security standards. Once we decided to look at the market, we quickly realised that a two factor solution that utilised our users’ mobile phones would be ideal for us.”Dave continues: “We felt that SecurEnvoy’s ability to run side by side with our legacy RSA SecurID solution, as well as allowing us to deploy new users quickly via SMS or email, allowed us to migrate to the new system at our own pace”As well as saving money and enhancing the end-user experience, Hertfordshire County Council has enhanced their green credentials. SecurAccess, dubbed by many as “The Green Two Factor Authentication System”, doesn’t require a physical token to be manufactured and distributed. Add this to its ability to work in a virtual environment and it is a genuinely green solution.SecurAccess is now being used by Hertfordshire County Council staff from Social Workers to Secretarial staff; providing remote users a more flexible and productive working environment.
By deploying SecurAccess from SecurEnvoy we were able to enhance our user experience. The fact that we were able to reduce the cost and administration overhead as well was a bonus.-Dave Mansfield, Technical Infrastructure Manager, Hertfordshire County Council

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