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Data Discovery + Atlassian Bitbucket

Manual processes are not enough to track the sensitive data that can reside in development environments.

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is a simple and quick way to track and remediate sensitive data in Atlassian Bitbucket.

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Atlassian Bitbucket Data Discovery

Securing sensitive personal data and IP in Atlassian Bitbucket


Atlassian Bitbucket Data Discovery

While businesses often focus on protecting personal sensitive information that is held in collaboration software, in the software development environment there is still a need for sensitive business information, intellectual property and security data to be safeguarded from external and internal threats.

Information that might be at risk in files in your Atlassian Bitbucket repository:

  • Intellectual property such as source code, documentation and software architectures
  • Configuration files containing infrastructure information
  • Credentials and API keys within code or configuration files
  • Financial data in financial information systems
  • Security-related information and algorithms
  • Test data that might inadvertently contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) subject to data protection regulations

Keeping track of this information manually is challenging, but SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is here to help.

Automate data discovery and remediation in Atlassian Bitbucket with SecurEnvoy Data Discovery


SecurEnvoy Data Discovery gives you the power to perform data discovery automatically within Atlassian Bitbucket and is the first step in building policies to protect sensitive data and intellectual property.

Once sensitive information is detected using pre-built or custom searches, developers and other users are automatically notified of the sensitive data risk allowing for immediate remediation.

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is easy to deploy and can scale to the largest data challenges integrating seamlessly with Atlassian Confluence, Jira and Bitbucket using Atlassian APIs.

Lightweight software

Fast-track sensitive data protection in Atlassian Bitbucket

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery integrates seamlessly with Atlassian Bitbucket to track sensitive data and intellectual property. Fast to deploy and scalable to meet continuously growing data in your development environment.

  1. Accelerated Time-to-Value: Swiftly integrate with Atlassian Bitbucket through our seamless API integration, getting you up and running in just under 1 hour.
  2. Scalability Simplified: Effortlessly accommodate expanding repositories and growing codebases.

Data Protection – Up and running in just under 1 hour.

Atlassian Bitbucket Data Discovery

Automated sensitive data searches you can fine-tune


Once deployed, SecurEnvoy Data Discovery provides standard and customisable search controls for you to quickly and easily build search tasks that can be run automatically.

Granular Search Controls: Seamlessly define your search scope, spanning global, repository-specific, or branch-specific queries, including the ability to target specific time periods.

Automated Sensitive Data Search: Build search tasks using patterns, keywords and regular expressions to identify sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, proprietary code, API keys, passwords, and more.

Bitbucket Data Discovery Platform

All-round data monitoring, remediation and awareness training

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Bitbucket is a straightforward solution for monitoring and identifying sensitive data, alerting developers and data owners to sensitive data and keeping the team aware and trained in remediating any issues.

  • Real-time monitoring:
    Continuous monitoring of repositories to identify sensitive data as it is added or modified. Providing real-time alerts and notifications when sensitive data is detected.
  • Remediation:
    Identify sensitive data as it is added or modified. Provide developers and data owners guidance on remediation and how to handle sensitive information securely.
  • User Training & Awareness:
    Educate developers and users about best practices for handling sensitive data securely and provide guidance on remediation.
Data discovery for Atlassian

Keep up to date with your data risk to ensure regulatory compliance

A central dashboard and executive reports give you a clear view of any data issues present in your codebase, to make sure your organisation is meeting data protection regulations.

Executive Reporting: Ascertain your data risk profile and analyse discovered, resolved and outstanding data issues via user-friendly exportable reports.

Compliance Support: Assisting organisations to comply with relevant data protection regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.

Use authentication integration for additional database security


SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for Atlassian Bitbucket integrates with:

  • Your existing authentication source for user authentication, reducing the need to create duplicate accounts.
  • Hashicorp Vault to enable secure credential management for enhanced database security during scans.
Microsoft Directory

Easily review data risk with reporting through a centralised dashboard

Atlassian Confluence
  • Collate data via a dashboard: you can easily review and collage data for analysis via SecurEnvoy Data Discovery’s user-friendly dashboard
  • Automated data extraction: is used for reporting and analysis
  • Unstructured data: unstructured data can be searched and extracted to a central repository
  • Extract to a variety of formats: data can be extracted to formats, such as HTML, CSV, XLSX
  • Executive reports: are created dynamically
  • Streamlined Workflow Integration: feeds into other data streams (like syslog) and SIEM. A centralised dashboard is used for ongoing visibility and control over audit processes

Deploy data discovery for Atlassian Bitbucket simply and easily

SecurEnvoy Data Discovery is straightforward and simple to deploy. It requires just two IT resources, the Data Discovery Manager and Data Discovery Agent:


Data Discovery Manager

Data Discovery Manager

The Data Discovery Manager serves as the central interface for efficiently managing search tasks, devices, users, licenses, and other critical aspects within the SecurEnvoy Data Discovery ecosystem.

Data Discovery Agent

Data Discovery Agent

Data Discovery Agents support centralised or individual deployment across desktops, servers, file servers, and cloud environments. They facilitate data searches on various platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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Find out more about SecurEnvoy Data Discovery for:

Atlassian Confluence >
Atlassian Jira >