SecurEnvoy Zero Carbon Footprint Initiative
SecurEnvoy announces latest effort towards achieving a zero carbon footprint
SecurEnvoy, a Shearwater Group plc company, is excited to announce our latest efforts towards our zero carbon footprint goal.
Through our latest initiative, we aim to offset our carbon footprint by planting trees within the UK. The amount of trees planted is calculated by the number of tons of carbon dioxide our activities generate annually and how many trees it would take to offset those emissions.
As of March 20th 2020, we have offset 120 tonnes of CO2e through tree planting at Bank Woods, Summerbridge in Yorkshire – a step towards our continuous goal of reducing our carbon footprint.
Going Green, an article by our CEO in 2007 was written in response to the growing need to stay secure, reduce our carbon footprint and reduce operating costs! This was later promoted in 2012 with the statement, ‘Wouldn’t you want to cut your carbon emission if you had the chance to – we would encourage and urge you to think about tokenless® authentication, which goes a long way to helping the planet.’
Now, two decades into our development, we appreciate the next step is to look at better operating procedures, practices and methods. Working remotely is one step, working with others in a virtual environment is another and reducing the way in which we interact has to be our next step; reducing our journeys, flights and commutes wherever possible. So for this stage, we are pleased to offset our carbon footprint and embrace the facts about how we are using energy and resources.
It is important that we firstly offset, then look at how this can be reduced in the long term, so we can reduce the carbon emissions and finally look for sustainable methods for generating the energy needed for hosting, working and travelling.
The team at SecurEnvoy is committed to reducing our impact on the environment, whilst developing solutions that assist people to work from anywhere, on any device, anytime, securely.
Published: 2 April 2020
Category: Company News
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