biometric multi-factor authentication

Biometric multi-factor authentication: Secure your core business applications… with your face

SecurEnvoy adds Apple FaceID as another authentication option to their multi-factor authentication platform.

Our developers aren’t the kind of people who sit around waiting for end-users to demand new functionality. They’re the kind who are always working on ways to improve usability. That’s why, while some companies might have been caught off guard by Apple’s FaceID announcement, the team in SecurEnvoy HQ had been working on integrating it with SecurAccess as soon as they’d heard rumours of it in the tech press. And we’re delighted that, less than a month after the first deliveries of the iPhone X, they’ve succeeded, making SecurAccess Version 9 one of the first MFA platforms to offer all the security of MFA available through FaceID.

We know that where consumer technology leads, business software soon follows. It was only a matter of time before our clients’ end-users wanted to log in to their work applications using their shiny new phones.  We also know that the next generation of Apple devices (and undoubtedly those of other manufacturers) are only likely to make facial recognition more and more common. In fact, not having some form of biometric authentication will soon be unimaginable.

If your MFA solution can’t keep pace with changes in consumer technology, it’s only a matter of time before it goes the way of hard tokens: outdated, clunky, and frustrating for users.

That’s why compatibility with FaceID brings the number of authentication options available to SecurAccess users to 12, ranging from SMS and in-app push notifications, through to NFC and wearables.

To understand more how to allow your users to authenticate with FaceID, please contact the sales team at

Published: 27 noviembre 2017

Category: Product Updates

Compliance / MFA / Protecting IP

Multi-Factor Authentication



Any user. Any device.

For companies that take authentication seriously.

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