Pruebe SecurEnvoy
Northumbrian Water

Northumbrian Water has employees spread around the North East of England, Essex and Suffolk with partners and contractors located across the country and worldwide. Issuing and replacing hardware tokens was becoming a real management overhead. It was taking 2 to 3 days to issue or replace lost tokens to end-users. Anthony Smith, IT Security Manager at Northumbrian Water explains how SecurEnvoy soft tokens are giving users access to systems within a matter of minutes via their mobile phones. The new solution has reduced service desk tasks, enabled contact centre staff to work remotely at times when they cannot get in to the office, and has been well-received by users.

Northumbrian Water
Primagas protects remote access with SecurEnvoy

“Safety first”, this top priority of PRIMAGAS does not only apply for energy carrier and technical installations. The same care is required with regard to access to the company's corporate network - if this were not secured sufficiently, sensitive data could fall into the hands of cyber-criminals, who could cause damage as a result. 

Primagas protects remote access with SecurEnvoy
With SecureIdentity MFA we have found a cost-effective alternative that provides a dual layer of security access. We have thereby strengthened our security shield significantly.

Christian Stichmann, application manager at PRIMAGAS

Utilities companies choose SecurEnvoy because we deliver
  • Simple deployment, easy integration
  • Support for all major technology platforms
  • Unparalleled security for your business
Servicios Públicos

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