Try SecurEnvoy

Milton Keynes Hospital


NHS Trust finds a cost-effective cure for remote user access with SecurEnvoy

Hospitals and NHS Trusts have a legal obligation to comply with stringent data protection laws, so secure access to the IT network is very important. A particular concern for IT departments is ensuring secure access for those employees who need to access the network from home, including both clerical and medical staff.“Historically, we’ve provided those staff who need to access the network remotely with RSA tokens,” explains Richard Medina,  IT Manager for Milton Keynes Hospital. “However, this solution  was very expensive. Tokens were frequently lost and it was taking up a lot of management time, both in terms of dealing with lost tokens and setting up new users on the system.”After evaluating the solutions available, Milton Keynes Hospital chose SecurAccess tokenless two-factor authentication from SecurEnvoy because it could provide the right level of security at the right price.SecurAccess doesn’t rely on physical tokens or smart-cards but uses mobile phones as a second authentication device. By sending a passcode via SMS, organisations can quickly and easily enable secure remote access for all their users.“One of the key benefits of SecurAccess is that it’s easy to install and configure” says Richard. “It removes the need to physically distribute tokens, which obviously has an impact on the amount of time the IT department has to spend on supporting remote users”.

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